Situated within Chinguacousy park, One finds a cylindrical monument amidst the green landscape, a concrete chalice, which by day makes for a protected sanctuary for a moment of remembrance. The enclosure is broken into a series of punctured portals aiming to provide a radial connection towards its visitors and worldwide genocide sites, connecting victims to this sacred spot in a unified memorial space. By night this Chalice is transformed into a memorial torch, It’s punctured façade radiates with fire light, creating a vigil that lasts from dusk to dawn. A nightly ritual experienced even off site where one can see the memorial’s warm glow, highlighted as a necessary symbol of remembrance and beacon for hope. From dawn to dusk, to nightfall the memorial is constantly bathed in light, whether by sun or flame. This is in respect for those fallen victim to genocide, including affected generations where their voices remain unheard. These victims and events shall not reside and be shrouded in darkness but memorialised in light. An everlasting reminder.



The Memorial's aim is to provide a mark of remembrance to all genocide victims across the globe. The memorial resides as a global coordinate, a meeting spot and united flame.


Restricted to the brief's size of a 3.7m diameter by 5.5m footprint, the memorial's form is carved into a chalice, a protected enclosure embracing the earth with the open sky as the canopy. This paired with a filleted base and textured concrete creates a sense of vast verticality once standing inside the structure, encouraging a moment to reflect within the space. Punctured openings radiate throughout the enclosure forming a visual and spatial connection across the memorial's threshold. As day turns to night, the torch is lit and these windows transform the façade into a communicator in initiating a nightly vigil for visitors.
Inside the memorial
Inside the memorial
From above
From above


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